Further research news you can find here.
09. March 2022
Media responses to the publication of the DISCHARGE trial in NEJM
tctMD, Healio, Medscape and AuntMinni.com published articles commenting on the publication of the DISCHARGE trial primary outcome results in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Please click on the images below to read the respective articles:
DISCHARGE Hailed as a Big Step Forward for CTA in Stable Chest Pain
Copyright tctMD©
CT ‘safe alternative’ to coronary angiography for CAD diagnosis
Copyright Healio©
DISCHARGE: CTA Shows Safety Edge vs Cath in Intermediate-Risk Stable Chest Pain
Copyright Medscape©
ECR: CT offers safe alternative to coronary angio for CAD diagnosis
Copyright AuntMinnie.com©
04. March 2022
Today we publish the primary outcome results of the DISCHARGE trial in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Full trial results are available at: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2200963.
Official End of DISCHARGE project
31. January 2020
6 years are over and the DISCHARGE project has come to an official end today. We want to say thank you to all of our contributing partner for working so hard to reach our shared aim. And of course we would like to thank all patients participating in the trial as well to make this important European research project a success.
DISCHARGE project prolonged for one more year
29. May 2019
The DISCHARGE project was prolonged for one more year until 31. January 2020. This was just decided by the European Commission in order to support the extended follow-up phase of the trial.
Recruitment completed in DISCHARGE
31. January 2019
We now have completed our recruitment in the DISCHARGE trial: More than 3000 patients were recruited and randomized to either invasive coronary angiography or coronary computed tomography. We will now not include any further patients in the trial. The follow-up of the included patients is still ongoing though. Once the follow-up will be completed the planned analyses can be performed.
Annual Meeting 2018 in Berlin
15. – 16. February 2018
78 scientists from 18 countries have met between 15 – 16 February 2018 to discuss the progress of the DISCHARGE project at the Charité in Berlin.
Information on DISCHARGE trial available for Irish Radiologists
22. February 2018
The National Faculty body of Radiologists of Ireland has put information about the DISCHARGE trial on their website.To read more please click on the image below.
DISCHARGE PI Gershan Davis appointed Professorship
18. September 2017
Congratulations! The principal investigator (PI) of the clincial DISCHARGE site Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been appointed Professor at the University of Central Lancashire’s (UCLan) West Cumberland Medical Education Centre. In his new position Professor Davis will teach students and work as a consultant cardiologist providing coronary care and general cardiology services. To read more please click on the image of Prof. Davis below.
TV show on SWR about the DISCHARGE trial
06. July 2017
The German TV broadcasting company just broadcasted a TV show about “Computertomography for exclusion of coronary artery disease” and the DISCHARGE trial. Please click on the image below to visit the webpage of the show.
Article in BUNTE about the DISCHARGE trial
26. June 2017
The German magazine BUNTE published an article about the DISCHARGE trial. Please click on the image below to read the article.
World Premiere – Live Cardiac CT on Television
26. April 2017
Article in Medium about the DISCHARGE trial
29. March 2017
The Polish magazine Medium which is issued monthly for all doctors in Lower Silesia published an article about the DISCHARGE trial. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Annual Meeting 2017 in Copenhagen
16. – 17. February 2017
67 scientists from 19 countries have met between 16 – 17 February 2017 to discuss the progress of the DISCHARGE project at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Article in Novosti about the DISCHARGE trial
22. February 2017
The Serbian magazine Novosti published an article about the DISCHARGE trial. Please click on the image below to read the article.
TV special on DISCHARGE trial on NDR
26. January 2017
The DISCHARGE staff at the Charité in Berlin was recently visited by a team from the German TV channel NDR. The TV show “Cardiac diagnostics: CT instead of coronary angiography” will be broadcasted on 31st of January 2017, 20:15 – 21:15 o’clock. To watch the video please click on the image below.
Cardiac CT workshop at the Charité for DISCHARGE partner
26 January 2017
A cardiac CT workshop took place from 12th to 16th of December 2016 at the Charité in Berlin. Invited were DISCHARGE staff members who perform cardiac CT reading in DISCHARGE. 23 participants from 11 European countries joined the workshop.
Article in Liverpool Echo about the DISCHARGE trial
12 January 2017
The local newspaper Liverpool Echo just published an article about the DISCHARGE trial. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Season’s Greetings
22 December 2016
We would like to share the feedback we got from several patients after we sent them the results of the CAD-Man trial published recently. The patients were very happy about the results and that they could help in obtaining these scientific results. “Only clinical trials can help to carry on scientific progress. Nobody can exist on its own – we have to act in concert to succeed”, one patient wrote on the card below.
Article in Der Tagesspiegel about predecessor single-centre trial of DISCHARGE
15 December 2016
The popular Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel just published an article about the results of the CAD-Man study published in The BMJ. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Article about the DISCHARGE trial in European Radiology
24 November 2016
The scientific journal European Radiology just published an article about the DISCHARGE trial online. The article describes the design and methods of the pan-European trial. Please click on the image below to read the abstract of the article.
Article about predecessor trial of DISCHARGE in Bild.de
4 November 2016
The popular German newspaper BILD just published an article about the results of the CAD-Man study recently published in The BMJ on their web page Bild.de. Please click on the image below to read the article.
The predecessor single-centre trial of DISCHARGE published in The BMJ
28 October 2016
The first analysis of the CAD-Man study was published by The BMJ.
Article about DISCHARGE trial in Acta sanitaria
19 October 2016
An article about the DISCHARGE trial was published in the Spanish Acta sanitaria. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Article about DISCHARGE trial in redacción médica
19 October 2016
An article about the DISCHARGE trial was published in the Spanish redacción médica. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Article about DISCHARGE trial in noticias de Álava
19 October 2016
An article about the DISCHARGE trial was published in noticias de Álava, a newspaper in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Rioja Alavesa in Spain. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Article about DISCHARGE trial in Gazeta Wrocławska
17 October 2016
An article about the DISCHARGE trial was published in the Gazeta Wrocławska, a popular newspaper in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Radio show about DISCHARGE trial on Radio Rodzina
6 October 2016
Radio Rodzina is a popular radio station in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. Please click on the image below to listen to the feature.
Copyright Radio Rodzina©
Symposium Coronary Diagnostics – Update 2016
30 September 2016
In order to increase awareness about the DISCHARGE trial, the team of Prof. Dr. Marc Dewey from Charité scheduled a symposium about Coronary Imaging on Oct. 15th 2016. Participation is free for physicians such as general practitioners, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and radiologists and will be rewarded with 4 continuing medical education credits by the Berlin Chamber of Physicians. If you are interested in participation, please send an e-mail to herzschmerzen@charite.de.
Download the Flyer (PDF, German)
© Prof. Dewey
Article about the DISCHARGE trial in the B.Z.*
12 August 2016
B.Z.*: is the most read popular local newspaper in Berlin. Please click on the image below to read the article.
Personalised and Evidence-Based Medicine
3 June 2016
The Berlin Medical Journal reports in an editorial about the combination of personalised and evidence-based medicine in the DISCHARGE trial.
Annual Meeting 2016 in Budapest
70 scientists from 18 countries have met between 18 – 19 February 2016 to discuss the progress of the DISCHARGE project at Semmelweis University’s Heart and Vascular Center in Budapest, Hungary.
DISCHARGE TV Special on rbb*
18 September 2014
* rbb: “Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg” is the official broadcasting corporation of Berlin and the neighbouring federal state of Brandenburg.
Article about the DISCHARGE – project
28 May 2015
Heike E. Krüger-Brand from German Medical Journal (Deutsches Ärzteblatt) reported in a 1-page article about the DISCHARGE project and the upcoming study. Please find the full text to this publication (in German) below.
Kick-off at Charité
13th February 2014
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Scientists from 28 research institutions in 20 European countries have met at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin between February 11 to 13 for the kick-off of the DISCHARGE project.
Start of the DISCHARGE project
2nd January 2014
The DISCHARGE project started on 1st February. DISCHARGE is a collaborative multinational research project. The consortium of the project is composed of 28 members in 20 European states. Core of the project is a pragmatic randomised controlled trial which includes 23 clinical sites from 18 European countries.